During Julefest in Kimballton,IA (in November, 2013) a group of interested crafters learned the techniques of Danish lace-making called “Hardanger”. The workshop was instructed by LaVonne Christensen
NCAG’s 2nd Annual Veterans Appreciation and Open House a big success!
Two art galleries on Kimballton’s Main Street were open to the public to view veterans’ artwork including Tracy Stambaugh (AirForce), Ronee Smith (Army National Guard) and Bart Vargas (Air Force). Art Director Troy Muller’s artwork also remained on view. and a tasting of local wines began at 4:00p.m. A chili cook-off was held at the Cottonwood Barn at 5:30pm. Chili cooks vied for the top three prizes, determined by the most donations they collect in nearby buckets. Proceeds went to student and veteran art scholarships. Entertainment was provided by Loren Christensen on acoustic guitar and the widely popular singing-duo the “Polka Police”. This was a family friendly event; free and open to the public.
Color and black and white photographer Tracy Stambaugh displayed a series of artworks in the Guild Gallery that represent Americana in the Midwest. Tracy was born and raised in Omaha, NE. After high school, he joined the Air Force and was a Law Enforcement troop with the Security Police; in service from 1995-1999. He was primarily stationed at Scott AFB, IL but spent time in Saudi Arabia and Spain. He said that the military taught him, among many other things, to pay attention to detail — a quality necessary to take good photographs. Tracy said that although he was relatively new to photography as an art form, and after picking up a professional-level camera only about two years ago, he has become completely infatuated with it: “I’m constantly thinking
about it, reading about it, looking at others’ work… I even dream about it. I never want to miss an opportunity to take a great photo, I carry my camera everywhere I go. I take photos of anything that catches my eye. I also enjoy coming up with ideas and experimenting, anything as long as I’m pushing that shutter
button.” He said he appreciated the opportunity to exhibit in the NCAG gallery to get feedback and valuable insight from gallery visitors. Tracy said his first goal is to finish school. He said, “I’m considering starting a home photography business, but want to find a niche, something that sets me apart from the rest.”
Vets-4-Vets Spring 2014 Creativity Workshops
Vets-4-Vets Spring Workshops Begin in June
A series of creative workshops will be held this spring and summer at BellevueUniversity. Vets-4-Vets, a peer support group of veterans (and their loved-ones) interested in the common goal of sharing experiences, “venting” and just hangin’ out will meet to create art, poetry and music. In these workshops, participants will use a different artistic media each week. All experience levels are welcome and no previous art experience is required!
Dates/times and locations of Vets-4-Vets Summer2014 workshops listed on PDF link below.
Express Yourself Through Art flyer – Part IV 07-14[1]
Please sign up in advance at the link provided below:
Please click on link to open PDF files:
V4V Spring 2014 Series :
Express Yourself Through Art flyer – Part III 05-14[1]
V4V Spring 2013 Series :
Express Yourself Through Art flyer (At Ease V4V LFS New Century Art Guild) 04-13_Low-res
V4V Summer 2013 Series :
Click on the links below to open PDF file of our latest newsletter:
AUTUMN 2014 Page 1:
AUTUMN 2014 Page 2:
Click on the links below to open PDF file of our previous newsletters:
SPRING 2014 Page 1:
SPRING 2014 Page 2:
WINTER 2013/14 Page 1:
WINTER 2013/14 Page 2:
FALL 2013 Page 1:
FALL 2013 Page 2:
Mario Lopez, a 29 year old veteran from Bandera, Texas was the recipient of NCAG’s 2014 Veteran Artist Grant. The grant included an expense paid four-day visit to the Midwest. Troy Muller, NCAG Art Director, conducted three individualized painting workshops for Mario and curated a small exhibition of his paintings in the NCAG Gallery.
U.S. Army Sgt. Mario Lopez served in Iraq in 2006-7 and Afghanistan in 2008. In August of 2008, Mario was severely injured while on duty with a combat engineering unit in Afghanistan. As part of a routine convoy, Lopez was strapped into his MRAP Vehicle on his way to his next mission when a 300-pound roadside bomb exploded, creating a blast that sent the MRAP’s door hurtling into him and pinning him inside the burning vehicle. As a result of the blast, he sustained burns on more than 50 percent of his body and he subsequently lost his right arm, right ear, right eye and most of the fingers on his left hand.
Mario said, “While recovering in 2011, I picked up a paint brush with my remaining left fingers and began to experiment! Initially, I was painting just for myself, but friends and family started to inquire about my art. Before I knew it, I was getting attention and requests from people I had never even met!” Today, Mario and his wife, Danielle, are taking his painting career to the next level and sharing his ability and inspiration with others nationwide.
Troy Muller’s Bronze Sculptures
New Century Art Guild hosted a special dinner in the NCAG gallery on Saturday, September 28th, 2013. This was an opportunity for members and guests to get a “sneak peek” at Troy Muller’s bronze sculptures that are to be placed around the Little Mermaid fountain beginning in October. Some of Troy’s other artwork was also on display across the street at the New Genesis Art Studio. His exhibit, entitled “Pieceable Kingdom – Curiosities of Synthetic Evolution”, will be on view through November. During the dinner, Troy informed guests about his work on the Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale statues and explained the inspiration and symbolism found in his exhibit. Guests were offered an opportunity to purchase dedication plaques to be placed on each statue for $1000 to support the Little Mermaid Trail Project.
Donation plaques may be reserved by calling Pat Crosley at (712) 790-6354
Living Liberty Memorial and Sculpture Park
Construction will soon begin on Living Liberty Memorial and Sculpture Park, a monument to honor veterans and those that have made great contributions to life and liberty in America.
The centerpiece of the monument will be a fountain that honors all branches of the US military and will feature a plaza that contains soil from all 50 states. The monument will be dedicated to American servicemen and women that contributed to the defense of this nation and, most notably, those that have sacrificed their lives for our nation.
The Living Liberty – Veterans Memorial and Sculpture Park, when completed, will feature 25-30 life-size bronze figures and illusionistic murals depicting U.S. military men and women in action. A brick pathway will take visitors deep into battle scenes from America’s past wars and foreign engagements. The park will also exhibit portrait-busts of other important Americans that have promoted liberty in our nation’s history.