Create attractive embossed aluminum and copper icons using wood styluses. Use “antiquing” patinas to create the illusion of years of aging and beautiful surface effects.
Create attractive embossed aluminum and copper icons using wood styluses. Use “antiquing” patinas to create the illusion of years of aging and beautiful surface effects.
Was it the butler? The eccentric millionaire? Play along and find out! Also enjoy other ghoulish games and tricky treats! Bring your ghost stories!
Create mysterious etching drawings using prepared panels and metal styluses, adding color with special water-based paints….all while being inspired by the poetic imagery of Edgar Allen Poe and other “ghost” writers!
Get into the Halloween spirit by creating a funny or spooky pumpkin painting… Makes a great centerpiece for your own ghoulish Halloween table display!
Design a totally-tubular eye-catching design using the language and graphics from decades past…and get your designs printed on your own wearable long sleeve T-shirt!
Create an attractive home for the birds around your home. Use wood trim pieces and acrylic paints to create a mini-mansion for our fine feathered friends!
November 2, 2018
–Doors open at 6:30– Refreshments Served
Texas A&M University-Patriot’s Casa
One, University Way, San Antonio, TX 78224
Featuring Local San Antonio Veteran Artwork spanning multiple genres such as, Literature, Photography, Painting, Textiles, Leatherwork and more!
Special guests prolific San Antonio artists, Lionel Sosa and Jesse Trevino
Create unusual painted designs that respond to the natural shapes of stones. Create animals, faces or abstract designs!
This group will have a unique opportunity to combine visual art with poetry. Participants will create collages and use them as “prompts” to create unique poetry that can be shared or kept.