Over Memorial Day weekend,  also known as Tivoli-fest in the Iowan Danish Villages, New Century Art Guild opened its gallery doors to a very special exhibit of international artists. The exhibit will be on view for the next three months.

Drawing series created by an American veteran-artist.
Drawing series created by an American veteran-artist.


Table of war diaries that document individuals' responses to war.
Table of war diaries that document individuals’ responses to war.
Image from a series of photos depicting Iraqi women graduating from college.
Image from a series of photos depicting Iraqi women graduating from college.

Tivoli-fest brought a crowd of people into the Danish Villages:

Runners gather in Kimballton's Little Mermaid Park after completing a race.
Runners gather in Kimballton’s Little Mermaid Park after completing a race.
Also available was "fried taffy" for the less health-conscience!
Also available was “fried taffy” for the less health-conscience!


Exhibit Preview Dinner was Tasty and Insightful

Elk Horn's Vittles Restaurant does a great job, again, at catering our event.
Elk Horn’s Vittles Restaurant did a great job, again, at catering our event.

A special (and delicious!) dinner was held in the NCAG Galleries on Friday, May 17th as a thank you to major donors and art professionals. The thought provoking artwork that surrounded guests represents a joint effort between New Century Art Guild and the Iraqi and American Reconciliation Project, based in Minneapolis. This collection, entitled: Unforgetting Iraq: In Search of Recovery, is being shown for the first time in our Kimballton gallery. Once it leaves us in September, it will continue to tour across the US. The exhibition will open to the public Memorial Day weekend.

This exhibit aims to highlight, through art from both Iraqi and American artists, the aftermath of that war. This collection uses images to speak to our capacity as humans to recover from traumatic, devastating events and of our ability to extend compassion to cultures that are different than our own.

Guests enjoy the tasty dinner.
Guests enjoy the tasty dinner.

Our speaker for the evening was Mr. Rick Burns, an expert on the effect and aftermath of modern warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is also an expert in compassion –and translating that compassion into action.

Rick Burns gives powerful testimony of the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan
Rick Burns gives powerful testimony of the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan

Rick worked as an Army Civil Affairs officer to better understand the needs of citizens caught up in the ravages of war. After two tours in Iraq, Rick went to Afghanistan as an Army civilian to assist military commanders to better understand the indigenous culture. Through this work of helping locals deal with endless government and infrastructure problems, Rick saw firsthand the daily issues faced by families living in an unstable society.

After he returned stateside, Rick  launched the Karadah Project in 2010, which sought (and continues to seek) to help those left behind in the wake of the war.


WALK OF HONOR at 2014 Tivoli Fest

Please join us, Elk Horn, Iowa—RUN FOR THE FALLEN, Inc. to honor our fallen Heroes during Tivoli Fest at the WALK OF HONOR.   This year’s WALK will start at the American Legion Post #322 Veterans’ Memorial Park.  It cost nothing to participate—just come out and show your support for all our members of the armed services!!


TERESA JARVIS                  (712)764-2218 or


LAURA J SMITH                            (712)764-6742 or

JERRY SCHRADER                  (712) 249-9326

If you want to honor your military HERO that served our country–no matter if they are active duty, retired, or just signed up; still with us or passed on–please send a photo and a brief bio to:

by mail: Elk Horn, Iowa—RUN FOR THE FALLEN, Inc  PO Box 77, Elk Horn, 51531

or by email:  teresa@elkhorn-ia-runforthefallen.us


2014 Tivoli Fest in Kimballton

The Danish Villages of Elk Horn and Kimballton Iowa will be celebrating Tivoli Fest on May 24-25 with a parade and lots of aebleskiver and other authentic Danish cuisine.  There will be plenty of food, drink and merriment the entire weekend!

From the Tivoli Fest Facebook page:

Tivoli Fest, The Danish Villages’ annual Danish celebration, is held Memorial Day weekend. Enjoy Danish foods and specialties such as smorrebrod, aebleskiver and medisterpolse. Tours of the Danish Windmill, Bedstemor’s Hus, the Danish Immigrant Museum and visits to unique gift shops add to the experience. Including the annual Tivoli parade, Tour de Tivoli, an entertainment stage and vendors, there is something for everyone! The Danes of Kimballton have been folk dancing since the town began. It is the longest lasting activity of our Danish heritage. Every year, practice has been held for various Danish celebrations, including Tivoli Fest, which some 60 people of all ages participate in.

Tivoli Fest 2014 will take place on the weekend of May 24th & 25th. The 34th annual celebration is themed “Denmark on the Prairie, Let the Festivities Begin”. We will be releasing a full schedule of the action-filled weekend, so check back often!


Kimballton Featured in follow-up to Documentary “Denmark on the Prairie”

Promotional Image from documentary "Denmark on the Prairie"
Promotional Image from documentary “Denmark on the Prairie”

Danish filmmaker Jakob Vølver has produced a sequel TV program about the Danish Villages of Southwest Iowa. Both the original program and its recent follow-up have been big hits in Denmark and have triggered waves of interest by Danish citizens in the small Iowa towns.   Kimballton, Elk Horn’s neighboring village to the north, was not mentioned in the first documentary, but it finally got its due in the sequel. Danish-speaking Loretta Christensen of Kimballton is featured in both films.  She and Annette Andersen, also of Kimballton, take viewers to the new Hans Christian Andersen Sculpture Park in Kimballton.  A number of the bronze statues depicting Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales, that were sculpted by NCAG Art Director Troy Muller, were seen (along with Troy) in the second film.

Unforgetting Iraq: Media Day/Preview and Q&A

Media Preview of Major Exhibit before it Opens to the  Public

A major art exhibit entitled Unforgetting Iraq: In Search of Recovery will have its public opening Memorial Day weekend on Saturday, May 24th in the NCAG Gallery located at 117 Main Street in Kimballton, IA.

A special Media Day will be held in advance of the public opening on Monday May 5th, 2014. Members of the media are invited to attend a special preview in an effort to garner the public’s interest in the exhibit. All media are invited to attend our Media Day event on May 5th anytime between 10 am and 5pm.

“Meet the Artist” Dinner was Delicious and Inspiring!

Mario illustrates his military and art careers with a vivid slideshow.
Mario illustrates his military and art careers with a vivid slideshow.

NCAG hosted an art exhibition of Mario Lopez’s work at a “Meet the Artist” dinner reception in their Kimballton Gallery. Mario and his lovely wife, Danielle, inspired artists and veterans alike at the event held on Saturday, March 22nd. Lopez shared his inspiration journey as a soldier, family-man, minister and artist.  He said, “I am a wounded warrior but I don’t let my war injuries define me.  I like that I can help people by showing them that even though life throws obstacles our way, there is no reason to give up because life is always worth living.”  Mario presented a gripping slideshow and testimony that kept the audience at the edges of their seats. Mario was made a lifetime NCAG member and also sold two paintings the night of the event.

First Annual Competitive Student Art Scholarship

Students: submit your best work!
Students: submit your best work!

New Century Art Guild is pleased to announce our first competitive scholarship for an art student for the 2014 – 2015 school year.

The scholarship award includes:

  • $500 toward tuition for the next academic term to student’s school of choice.
  • Evaluation of portfolio and academic/career direction by professional artist.
  • Invitation to exhibit artwork at NCAG gallery.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Completed application.
  • Digital portfolio that includes 6-10 digital images of your best personal artwork.  Only JPEG images on a CD will be accepted –Do not send photos!
  • High school seniors and prospective or enrolled college students are eligible.
  • Letter of recommendation from an art teacher or other art professional.
  • Must be willing to submit a written report to NCAG showing how scholarship was used by the end of academic term.

 Click on link below for PDF of application form:

Call For Entries Form

Send your enclosed application, portfolio CD and letter of recommendation by Thursday, April 24th 2014 to:

2014 Art Scholarship Contest
New Century Art Guild, Inc.
Box 64
Kimballton, IA  51543


(Please email questions to  tcrosley@metc.net)

Best of luck!!

3rd Annual Veteran Appreciation and Open House Event

Join us for our 3rd annual Veteran Appreciation and Open House Event!

open house JPG

New Century Art Guild will salute veterans at its 3rd Annual Open House and Veteran Appreciation event on Sunday, November 2nd from 2:00pm to 8:30pm in Kimballton, IA.

This year’s open house will be a carnival theme that will feature  army vehicle rides, face painting, temporary tattoos, caricature artist, carnival games, and chili cook-off. Begining at 2:00p.m., two art galleries on Kimballton’s Main Street will be open to the public to offer a tasting of local wines and a chance to view veterans’ artwork, including that of US Army veteran Roberta “Bert” Leaverton.

A chili cook-off will be held at the Cottonwood Barn at 5:30pm.   Chili and games may be paid for with tickets sold at the door for $1 apiece. Chili cooks will be vying for top prizes, to be determined by the most tickets they collect.  Proceeds will go to fund NCAG’s student and veteran art scholarships. Entertainment will be provided by  the widely popular singing-duo the “Polka Police”. Other attractions include kegs of craft beer, an old fashioned cake walk, a bonfire (weather permitting) and barn dance.  This is a family-friendly event and open to the public.

Prepare to get your taste buds for this year's chili-cook off!
Prepare to get your taste buds fired-up for this year’s chili-cook off!

The rural town of Kimballton, IA, located approximately midway between Omaha and Des Moines, is the headquarters of New Century Art Guild. The guild was co-founded by local residents Billy Marples and Dr. Scott Smith, both veterans, and Omaha artist Troy Muller. The guild’s mission is to promote career development of emerging and established artists with special attention to the needs of military families and of veterans seeking to make new careers in the creative arts.

For more information contact NCAG President Dr. Scott Smith at (712) 249-2184

or NCAG Art Director Troy Muller: tmuller@mullerstuidos.com