Through a generous Arts Learning Project grant through the Nebraska Arts Council, veterans in the VA’s Residential program were able to use the expressive and healing powers of art-making with their fellow military veterans and support team. New Century Art Guild’s signature “Vet-X-Press” (VXP) workshop series, veterans have an opportunity to unburden mental strain in the form of self-expressed artwork created in an environment that promotes healing and relaxation. Participants use different artistic media each session, including visual art, writing, music and acting. All experience levels are welcome and no previous experience is required. Workshop series are always free to veterans and their family members. The workshops further impact on the vitality of arts and culture in the veteran community by leading to exhibitions of veteran art and supporting art events, including the VA’s Annual Creative Arts Festival.


“Thank you for attending NCAG Presents: US Veteran Art Gala!”

ONLINE RAFFLE TICKET PURCHASE and DONATIONS–please click yellow PayPal button below to purchase Raffle tickets and make donations:



Check by Mail:

Attn: Texas Veterans Art Show, New Century Art Guild, 4142 Main St., PO Box 92, Elk Horn, IA, 51543



Join us for an all-Veteran art gala and fundraiser at the McKenna Events Center in New Braunfels on March 10, 2023. Doors open at 6pm with refreshments and dinner will be served at 7:30p. All proceeds will directly benefit veteran artists breaking into careers in art. Art is a therapeutic outlet for many of our service members dealing with PTSD and is a wonderful tool that stimulates a sense of accomplishment, pride, and purpose.  The evening will include dinner, and veteran art in a variety of forms- music, poetry, paintings, sculptures, authors, and woodwork.


New Century Art Guild is looking forward to expanding its reach to artists and veterans in the coming year. Your tax-deductible contribution will play an important role in realizing our goals. We thank you for your generosity and confidence in our mission!


(Last day to purchase tickets was March 1, 2023!)

Call for Art Entries for Nebraska Women Veterans Symposium

May be an image of text that says 'CALLING ALL NEBRASKA WOMEN VETERAN ARTISTS! Call for Art The Nebraska Department ofeterans' Affairs, in conjunction with New Century Art Guild and Uniting announces call for Women Veteran Artists ofNebraska. Title: "Celebrating Their Service" Traveling Women Veteran Artist Exhibition :September 24-25, 2022 Where:Starting point- Nebraska Women Veterans Symposium Holiday Inn Kearney. Other locations TBA. No fee-all fee mediums welcome- submissions perveteran. Entries due by August3o, Submission form at: IVFW VETERANS FOREIGN WARS. Nebraska NEBRASKA Good Great VETERANS* NEBRASKA Women Veterans SYMPOSIUM UnitingUS'

— The Nebraska Department of Veterans’ Affairs (NDVA), in conjunction with New Century Art Guild and Uniting Us, announces a call for women veteran artists of Nebraska to submit artwork to the “Celebrating Their Service” traveling women veteran artist exhibition. All mediums are welcome, with three submissions allowed per veteran. Submissions are due by August 30, 2022.

“The number of women veterans is growing rapidly, as is their use of the VA for healthcare,” said NDVA Women Veterans Coordinator Erin Colson. “Stories of their military service deserve greater attention, and many women veterans tell these stories through art which can be a very therapeutic process, helping veterans cope with many issues, both physical and mental.”

The art exhibition’s starting point will be at the Nebraska Women Veterans Symposium at the Holiday Inn in Kearney on September 24-25, after which it will travel the state (future locations to be announced). A submission form and additional details are available at For questions about the exhibition or submitting artwork, please contact Erin Colson at or Troy Muller at

Nebraska Women Veterans Symposium

Nearly half of the 200 spots available for the free, two-day symposium for Nebraska women veterans have been filled. Registration is available at and is open until the date of the event or when all spots are filled.

Past National Commander of the American Legion Denise Rohan, who was the first woman to be elected to the top position of the American Legion, will be the keynote speaker. Leaders in the women veterans and military community will take part in a panel discussion titled “Celebrating Who I Was and Who I’ve Become,” about the struggles women veterans face both while serving in the Armed Forces and while transitioning out of the service. Other activities include a journaling exercise with Warrior Writers, an art activity with New Century Art Guild, interviews for the Library of Congress Veterans History Project, and a screening of Lioness, a documentary about a group of female Army support soldiers who were part of the first program in American history to send women into direct ground combat.

Additional presenters include:

  • Nebraska/Western Iowa Women Veterans
  • Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
  • Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA)
  • Women Veterans Program Manager for Nebraska/Western Iowa VA Healthcare System
  • Homeless Veteran Coordinator
  • Veteran Readiness and Employment (VRE)
  • Vet Center
  • VFW Nebraska
  • American Legion Nebraska
  • Hearts for Healing
  • New Century Art Guild
  • Uniting Us
  • Wounded Warrior Family Support
  • Wounded Warrior Project

The event is hosted by the Nebraska VFW and NDVA. Financial support for the conference has come from Nebraska VFW Foundation and PenFed Foundation.

TIVOLI 2022 –featuring POLKA POLICE!

polka 2

Join us for Tivoli 2022 on Saturday May 28th

Hotdogs, beer and pop, free all-ages art workshop and veteran art exhibit start at 10:30am, Polka Police starts at noon! “I wanna Rock!”